
My music catalog is available for non-exclusive licensing. Licenses can be obtained directly on this website.

How it works:

  1. Find the music tracks you want to license
  2. Select and purchase the license that suits your requirements
  3. Download your audio files and sync my music with your project

Types of Licenses

Personal Use

This license allows you to use the music in unlimited personal proejcts or home videos. Monetization is not included.


This license grants the use of music in your podcast. Unlimited episodes of one podcast series. Suitable for intros, outros, or transitional segments.

Indie Dev

This license allows to use the music in one commercial development project with anual revenue < 20.000โ‚ฌ


This license is designed for small businesses needing music for ads, commercials or website video.

Content Creator

This license allows content creators to use the music in unlimited projects across all streaming and social media platforms, provided the content is related to a single online presence (e.g., one identity linked to a YouTube channel, Instagram account, etc.). Monetization is included.


This license allows to create one derivative work from the music by remixing or recording vocals, and to distribute the resulting work on digital service providers such as Spotify, and on social media and streaming platforms. Monetization is included.

Indie Film

This license covers the use of a track in one non-commercial independent film.

Licenses in Detail

Personal Use License
wav included
Unlimited Projects
Perpetual License
Podcast License
wav included
Unlimited audio streams
Monetization Included
Unlimited Episodes
Perpetual License
Worldwide License
Content Creator License
wav included
Unlimited video streams
Monetization Included
Perpetual License
Unlimited Projects
Worldwide License
Artist License
wav included
Distribute up to Unlimited copies
Unlimited audio streams
1 music videos
Monetization Included
Perpetual License
Single Song/ Project
Indie Developer License
wav included
Distribute up to Unlimited copies
Monetization Included
Perpetual License
< 20.000 โ‚ฌ Revenue
1 Project
Team up to 2 Developers
Indie Film License
wav included
Distribute up to Unlimited copies
Unlimited video streams
Perpetual License
1 Project
Worldwide License
Business License
wav included
Distribute up to Unlimited copies
1 music videos
Unlimited video streams
For paid performances? yes
Monetization Included
Perpetual License
1 Business Project

Other Projects

If you have a project that doesnโ€™t fit any of these categories, contact me directly with the details, and weโ€™ll work out a suitable license.